Are you literate in canine body language?
According to the CDC, there are 4.5 million dog bites annually and children are at highest risk for being bitten. Studies have shown that...

Canine Environmental Enrichment
If your household is anything like mine, it is kind of a zoo most of the time. There are people and pets in and out, little kids making...

Traveling with pets
Here are some interesting statistics I read recently: more than half of U.S. cat and dog owners take their pets with them when they...

Pets adjusting to a new member of the family
A new baby in the house means a lot of new sights, sounds and smells for the other members of your family, including your pets. Here are...

Cold weather tips for pets
It is beginning to feel a lot like winter here in New England. The first hint it was coming was that it was finally cold enough to pull...

What age is "old"?
What age qualifies a pet as geriatric? Many people have heard the ratio of dogs aging 7 human years for each calendar year, but the truth...

Halloween Safety
Halloween can be a spooky experience for pets! The AVMA (American Veterinary Medicine Association) shared 7 tips for keeping your pets...
What to expect after vaccinations
AVMA (the American Veterinary Medical Association) wrote this helpful post about what to expect after your pet gets vaccinated....
Storm anxiety - new treatment option
For dogs with storm anxiety and their owners, the 4th of July, as well as every summer storm, is a big deal. There are a number of...
It's true, they happen. I recently met an adorable cat, purchased from a breeder and completely indoors, who had a very high fecal count...